Category: Python

  • A simple Python Program

    A simple Python Program

    A simple Python Program A simple Python Program, in this article i will demonstrate how to write a simple program  using Python code. About the sample Program The sample Program will have a list of the User Data Base and pass code The User is requested to enter the Pass code Then if the Pass…

  • Writing and Reading Information from a File in Python

    Writing and Reading Information from a File in Python

    Writing and Reading Information from a File in Python   Writing and Reading Information from a File in Python. in this article i will show  how to read and write file by stepping through the sample python code. Writing File  Before we are able to write a file , we need to open it So…

  • Custom Function in Python

    Custom Function in Python

    Custom Function in Python   Custom Function in Python, In this article i will create a simple Python function using Python. Function in Python Function is created to hold specific function to execute a specific task when call Use the “def” key work , to create a new function To create a function you need…

  • List and Dictionaries in Python

    List and Dictionaries in Python

    List and Dictionaries in Python   List and Dictionaries in Python, in this article i will show you how to use list and Dictionaries in Python. List in Python List in Python , is a list of  items reside inside a list , it can be  a Mix of String , int  etc   Append…

  • Python Bash Scripting

    Python Bash Scripting

    Python Bash Scripting   Python Bash Scripting! In this Article I will show you the basic Linux Python Scripting that you should know Python Scripting pwd — Get your Current Path mkdir –Create a new Directory ls— Check what is inside the Directory cd — go inside the directory “in this exmple is ‘new1′” cd…..