PIC Grant from IRAS

PIC Grant from IRAS

PIC Grant from IRAS


PIC Grant from IRAS

Businesses which would like to increase productivity and innovation , will be able to apply for the PIC Grant from IRAS.
Approved Grant will enjoyed up to 40% of cash tax rebate from the total of the investment.
PIC Grant is one of the Grant offered by Singapore Government to enhance competitiveness  of local SME and new entrepreneur. as the global business environment getting more competitive and complex, small business need to be kept up to date with the latest technologies to move forward. PIC provide insight and services grant to business owner which foster to improve their productivity and competitiveness in their field .
Note: The PIC  Grant Programme will end soon, expenditure from 1 Jan 2018 onward will  not be eligible for PIC grants.

PIC Eligibility

NO PIC Eligibility
1 Acquisition and leasing of PIC IT and Automation Equipment
2 Acquisition of Licencing of intellectual property rights
3 Investment in Design Projects
4 Registration of Patents , Trademarks, Design and Plant Varieties
5 Research and Development
6 Training Employee

PIC Grant and Benefits

NO Grant and Benefits
1 Tax reductions up to 400% Check out IRAS Singapore website for more details
2 Non Taxable Cash Payout
3 For Qualify expenditure up to 60% Cash Payout Check out IRAS Singapore Website for more details
4 Other Benefits,Check out here from IRAS

To Apply for this Scheme.

Check out here.

Check out Singapore Business Portal.