How to Simulate Modbus Signal with Modscan without Connecting Physical Modbus Device or PLC

How to Simulate Modbus Signal with Modscan without Connecting Physical Modbus Device or PLC

How to Simulate Modbus Signal with Modscan without Connecting Physical Modbus Device or PLC


In this Blog Post I will guide you through on how to Simulate Modbus Signal using ModScan and ModSim  without actually Connecting to a Physical Modbus Device or PLC.

What do you need for this Exercise 

Before getting Started  , you will need to Install  all the Software listed below

After you have downloaded the Software’s lets get started

Note :Modscan will act as Modbus Master while Modsim will act as Modbus Slave Device

Step 1 

Create  Virtual Port

  1. Open your  ” Free Virtual Port Software “
  2. Select the Available Comm Port which is not in use
  3. Click Create Virtual Port


Create Virtual Port
Create Virtual Port


Step 2 

Setting Up  ModSim

  1. Open your  ” ModSim “
  2. Go to File -> New
Create New Modsim Device
Create New Modsim Device


3.  Set  Starting  Address as 30 -> Length of Address to Simulate  -> 10 ( From  30030 to 30039 )  Modbus Point Type -> Input Register   Slave Address  -> 20

4. Select Connection to your Virtual Port you have just created in Step 1 , in my Case my Virtual Port is Port 2

4. Make Sure all Comm Settings Are Set Correctly , Click OK if Every thing good


Step 3

Setting Up Modscan to Poll Data

  1. Open your  ” ModScan “
  2. Go to File -> New
Open Modscan
Open Modscan

3.  Set  Starting  Address as 30 -> Length of Address to Simulate  -> 10 ( From  30030 to 30039 )  Modbus Point Type -> Input Register   Device ID  -> 20 ( slave Device ID)

Set Modscan
Set Modscan

4. Go to Connection -> Select Connection to your Virtual Port you have just created in Step 1 , in my Case my Virtual Port is Port 1

Check all your Comm Setting , if everything looks good click “Ok”


Step 4

Simulate Data

After Modscan and Modsim Connected  , you can now start to Simulate Data

Check out how to build a PLC Motor  Control Panel Here


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